
Twilight of the clans
Twilight of the clans

twilight of the clans

In response Ulric and his Wolves fought a Trial of Refusal against the Jade Falcons, who battled in the name of his accusers. IlKhan Ulric Kerensky was called before his fellow Khans and accused of trying to destroy the Clans with the truce. And it ended in the worst way possible for the Clans.

twilight of the clans

The scene of the bloodiest battle in the history of mankind. They rolled mercilessly over world after world, moving relentlessly toward Terra, the homeworld of humanity. But they were the descendants of the Kerenskys come from the Inner Sphere and now they had returned to conquer the Inner Sphere. Then in the year 3050 they suddenly reappeared, so unlike anything ever seen that they were thought to be aliens. Three hundred years before, General Aleksandr Keren-sky and most of the Star League disappeared into the unknown vastness of space. The greatest threat ever faced by the Inner Sphere. The most superior warriors ever known to mankind, genetically engineered to be weapons of destruction. They came from the far reaches of space, from beyond the Deep Periphery. Rosemary, for kindness and understanding above and beyond the call of duty Ĭharlotte, for being such a good kid and Donna Ippohto and the FASA staff, for their cooperation and encouragement. Andy Platizky, for support and general cheerfulness Blaine Pardoe, for so generously helping me to clarify some BattleTech matters Įugene McCrohan, LAIRE Powerhouse, for his continuing help and insights

Twilight of the clans